
9dragons notefile read espace
9dragons notefile read espace

9dragons notefile read espace

#9dragons notefile read espace Patch

I set the patch number to '31' in SQL and the client version to '393337' so that it matches the VN2008 client! configured the DB's just like ZeroBurner (Hamachi IP addresses, my own DB PW, 'sa' user, etc) After this, I took the remaining DB files from the 2012 US server's DB folder: CIS_DB, ND_LOG_0, ND_STATISTICS, GMS. restored the following Databases: 3 DB files can be found in 'EOD_DATA_ORG' / DB folder: ND_GAME_0.bak, ND_HISTORY_0.bak, NineDragons.bak. edited Hosts file just like ZeroBurner did

9dragons notefile read espace 9dragons notefile read espace

renamed 'EOD_DATA_ORG' (the VN2008 files) folder to '9Dragons' and placed it to C:\. installed MSSQL 2008 R2 on local machine, enabled TCP/IP + the rest of the options inside SQL Manager, then restarted the services. put 'authentication.py' into 'C:\httpd\Apache2\cgi-bin' and renamed it to 'login.py'. put all required folders into 'C:\httpd\Apache2\htdocs'. installed Apache Web Server, used the Hamachi IP, configured the same way as ZeroBurner did. installed python, pyODBC and other files from the guide. downloaded the 'VN2008 Client Fles' - it's version 31. OS STATUS: lots of Windows Updates installed, with tons of C++ redi.NET's.Ĭurrent progress: (followed ZeroBurner's guide at some points) They're the VN 2008 ones (which would be perfect - I'd just have to change the NDTEXTDB and/or FONT on client side and I believe it would be just fine). I'd prefer older style UI elements, instant map loads, a maximum of +12 refine, no Kunlun/new maps, etc. Of course big thank you to ZeroBurner, without him most of these private servers would not have succeeded. In the past I did set up a server with the well-known 2012 US server files (following ZeroBurner's guide) but I didn't like it.

9dragons notefile read espace